Responsibility Marketing Policy
The Space Value Foundation (SVF) is committed to responsibility and integrity across its entire value chain. Whether internal or external, whether marketing, advertising, and/or content creation, we are guided by a sense of ethics and service that is built on always doing the right thing, always abiding by legal and regulatory requirements, and always delivering authentic value to all our clients, members, learners, and stakeholders. Our marketing, just like everything else at SVF, is designed to be fair, authentic, consistent, transparent, and reliable.
Responsible Marketing Principles
The principles upon which our marketing policy is built and delivered are the following:
1. Be truthful and clear, in all communications and in all mediums and with all audiences
2. Be transparent about our products and services and the value they offer, without overstating the good and/or understating the gaps
3. Always prioritise health, safety, and safe use and delivery, respecting potential clients’, members’, and stakeholders’ well being
4. Always protect data and privacy and ensure a safe environment for submitted data
5. Always declare and clarify all data requirements openly, and clarify content requirements unambiguously
6. Pay extra attention and take care of the content we are sharing when our marketing material is being shared widely, and children and teens can be exposed
7. Always represent and portray the importance and value of equality, diversity, and inclusion
8. Make responsibility a primary value and the cornerstone of all our partnerships and the selection of third party service providers
9. Prioritise our responsibility for impact and the importance of sustainability in everything we do
Our principles govern our code of conduct which is inspired by the ICC Advertising and Communications Code.
What our Responsible Marketing Policy Does
Our responsible marketing policy ensures that all our communications are:
- Legal, decent, honest, responsible, and truthful
- Respect human dignity, equality, diversity
- Always relate to verifiable facts
- Are clearly identifiable as marketing
- Are always truthful and transparent when describing the value of our products and services
Monitoring and Review
The Responsible Marketing Policy at SVF is monitored by the Board and its Quality and Compliance Committee and is reviewed annually.
Space Value Foundation
71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden
London, WC2H 9JQ, UK
Reg No. 14071917

The Space Value Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation registered as a company limited by guarantee. It is not a charity, does not distribute profits, and invests all its revenue into the vision and mission – to transform our equations of monetary value and return, to advocate for a new financial mathematics of sustainability built upon our responsibility of space impact.