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We are thrilled to announce the release of Financing the Race to Space!

The Problem
Space, as our physical context, stretching from subatomic to interstellar space and every layer in between and beyond, is missing from our financial value framework, financial mathematics, and monetary architecture.
This omission, by default, has led to the abstraction of our responsibility for impact on space, which has, in turn, led us to a world on the very edge of an ecological catastrophe. Indeed, we have littered every environment we have come to touch.Â
Our inability to invest and create a sustainable reality on Earth can be traced back to the core assumptions/omissions of our financial and monetary economics. Indeed, the omission of space, as analytical dimension and our physical context, has had an equally prohibitive impact on our ability to invest and expand our reach in outer space.
The equations that govern the creation, allocation and deployment of money are key to human sustainability and expansion in space. The guidance system of our investments and the very logic of money creation are at the heart of our challenge.
Thus, to transform human productivity and ensure its sustainability and continuous expansion across time and space, we must rethink and transform our financial value framework, financial mathematics, and monetary architecture.
A Solution
Space, our physical context of matter, irrespective of constitution, composition, density, dynamics, and temperature, stretching from subatomic space to interstellar space, and every layer in between and beyond, must be introduced into the analytical framework, principles, and equations of finance. This is the first necessary step to transform our value framework, mathematics, and architecture.
The Space Value of Money principle and associated equations and framework offer an entirely new approach to our sustainability in space. They introduce a financial mathematics where space is accounted for and our responsibility for impact is entrenched.Â
The SV framework provides us the tools and concepts through which we can map, measure, and integrate the space impact of cash flows into our models and equations. It helps us transcend the limitations of a risk and time focused framework, and entrench responsibility into our equations of value and return.
Furthermore, through the integration of space impact into our models and value framework, we can also introduce fundamental transformations in our debt-based monetary architecture, which is entirely built on the monetisation of risk and calendar time. Â
The Space Value of Money framework allows the creation and use of new instruments with high space value that can be used for money creation, introducing a new age in money mechanics, where the monetisation of space becomes possible.
This is critical in order to engineer and apply the tools and mechanisms that can help us fund all our evolutionary challenges, including the transition to a healthier economy and the expansion of our footprint in outer space.
The Foundation
Space Value Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation and an advocacy platform that aims to hardwire sustainability into the very core equations of finance. Our mission is to transform the spaceless financial and monetary economics that has led us to our current predicament, and introduce space into our value framework, mathematics, and monetary architecture in order to secure our sustainability and expansion in space.
We welcome individuals and organisations, public and/or private, and invite you to partner and collaborate to serve our collective sustainability in space.Â
You can also support our mission through direct individual, business, and institutional membership.
The Space Value We Offer
The professional training and consulting services we provide cater to those who are keen to optimise their impact on space with authenticity and transparency.Â
Our educational lectures and workshops offer you and your teams the opportunity to challenge perspectives, spark innovation, and empower transformative thinking.Â
We serve and collaborate with private and public organisations from around the world.Â
Integrity and responsibility are the pillars upon which our value offering is built.