
Our Aims

Space Value Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that campaigns and advocates for a radical rethink of our financial value framework and financial mathematics. A reinvention of the equations that govern the creation, allocation and deployment of money is key to human and planetary sustainability. The financial mathematics that underpins our markets and economies is central to transforming human productivity and ensuring its sustainability and continuous expansion across time and space.

The Space Value Foundation is an advocacy platform that aims to raise awareness of the above. Space Value Foundation takes its name from the new paradigm of financial value set out by Dr Armen V. Papazian in his 2022 book ‘The Space Value of Money: Rethinking Finance beyond Risk and Time’. This seminal publication demonstrates how our current financial value framework, built around risk and time, omits the analytical dimension of space. Space, as our physical context, stretching from subatomic to interstellar space and every layer in between and beyond, is left out of our core finance theory, models, and equations.

The Space Value of Money offers an entirely new financial mathematics where space is integrated into our framework and equations. Where our responsibility of impact is central stage. The Space Value Framework shows how financial projection models and formulae can change so that the true impact of investments is factored in from the outset.

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What we do

Space Value Foundation offers professional training and education in all aspects of sustainability. Our consultancy services help translate your sustainability commitments into strategic implementation plans and platforms.

From reporting requirements to framework development, from value chain assessment to portfolio impact analysis, we are ready to serve you. 

Space Value Foundation works with public and private organisations and institutions from around the globe, and at all levels of complexity.

Curious to know more?

Please fee free to write to us at the below email address, or visit the professional training and services tabs to learn more.


Reinventing the financial value framework
A Risk and Time based financial value framework omitting Space as an analytical dimension has driven our species into an evolutionary bottleneck.Our responsibility for impact on all layers of space must be entrenched into core finance equations. This is the only way to address our current challenges and implement a sustainable and continuous expansion of human productivity in time and space.
The Space Value of Money principle
The Space Value of Money principle establishes a bottom threshold of investment acceptability as it requires that investors achieve their positive returns without negative space impact. The Space Value of Money principle requires that a dollar ($1) invested in space has at the very least a dollar’s ($1) worth of positive impact on space.
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Financing the Race to Space:

How to Value, Invest, and Explore the Universe

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