Course Content Review Policy and Form
The Space Value Foundation (SVF) is committed to providing all learners (all those attending SVF educational programmes) with high quality content and courses.
As such, we take all suggestions very seriously and we are always keen to improve the quality of our courses and workshops.
SVF course/lecture/workshop content reviews are an integral part of our quality assurance process. Space Value Foundation continuously improves the value it offers to all learners and corporate clients.
Our course reviews are focused on: 1) the appropriateness of the content and assessment methods used in order to achieve the learning outcomes; 2) the accuracy, relevance, and up-to-dateness of the content we deliver.
Responsibility for course review and recommendations being addressed rests with the Training & Development Manager. The responsibility for the Review process lies with the board.
Each course is reviewed on an annual basis. The courses are reviewed by a our subject matter specialists to ensure their accuracy.
All legal elements of the learning materials will be reviewed by the companies legal representatives to ensure the most up to date version of any legal references are used and are correct as of the time of the review.
At the review date, each subject area specialist will have a 30-day period to complete the review of the given subject and all findings reported back to the board.
The board will then action any appropriate changes to course materials with an additional 30-day period.
For any course content suggestions, you can use the form below.
The Course Content review Policy at SVF is monitored by the Board and its Quality and Compliance Committee and is reviewed annually.
Space Value Foundation
71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden
London, WC2H 9JQ, UK
Reg No. 14071917

The Space Value Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation registered as a company limited by guarantee. It is not a charity, does not distribute profits, and invests all its revenue into the vision and mission – to transform our equations of monetary value and return, to advocate for a new financial mathematics of sustainability built upon our responsibility of space impact.