Assessment and Appeals Policy
The Space Value Foundation (SVF) is committed to providing all learners (all those attending SVF educational programmes) with an assessment process that is fair, authentic, consistent, transparent, and reliable.
1.0 Aim:
The aim of this policy is to ensure that all learners and attendees of SVF educational programmes, as well as trainers and lecturers, understand the rationale of the assessment and appeals policy and are consistently adhering to its requirements.
2.0 Initiating an appeal
An appeal against an assessment decision is taken seriously by SVF. In order to attempt an informal resolution to an appeal, learners should (in the first instance), speak to the person who assessed their work. If learners are unwilling or unable to speak to the lecturer or trainer/tutor in question, they should submit their appeal in writing using the contact form provided at the bottom of this policy.
3.0 Assessment Appeals Process
Our appeals process is transparent and is aimed at optimising the learning experience of all students/learners. SVF is committed to a consistent and reliable assessment and appeal process in order to improve the learning experience and quality of its programmes.
4.0 Submit an Appeals
A learner is entitled to appeal against an assessment decision if they feel that the work has not been assessed/marked correctly. Assessors and tutors take every care to ensure that assessments are conducted fairly and accurately to reflect the learning outcomes or performance criteria. However, if a candidate is unsure or unhappy about the assessment given, and they are not able to resolve the assessment dispute informally with the assessor or tutor, they should submit the appeal form at the bottom of this page.
All appeals must be lodged within 10 working days (2 weeks) of the notification of the assessment decision. When an assessment appeal is submitted, the relevant tutor/trainer and the board are notified.
5.0 Internal Appeals Procedure
5.1 Stage One:
Where possible, the disagreement should be settled informally. The learner/student should (wherever possible), discuss the assessment decision with the assessor or tutor who has assessed their work. This assessor/tutor will be able to explain the decision made or the marks awarded and consider the learner’s objections. If, however, the matter cannot be resolved informally then
a written email reply, giving a clear explanation of the decision, must be given by the assessor/tutor within 10 working days. If the learner is still not satisfied then stage two of the process will be implemented.
5.2 Stage Two:
In the event that a mutually agreeable decision is not reached or the learner is
unable or unwilling to talk to the assessor or tutor, the learner’s appeal will be forwarded to the board’s appeal committee. The SVF board will investigate and hold a meeting with all the relevant parties. The work will be reassessed against the grading criteria and a new written feedback will be submitted to the appealing learner within 5 working days (1 week).
5.3 Stage Three
If no resolution has been reached at Stage 2, the SVF board will aim to appoint an independent external assessor at its own expense to ensure an independent assessment is done within 14 working days. The independent assessor will be selected based on the topic and the level of expertise required for the specific training/course.
At this stage, SVF will accept the external assessor’s evaluation and will communicate the relevant feedback to the appealing learner.
6.0 Monitoring and Review
The Appeals Procedure at SVF is monitored by the Board and its Quality and Compliance Committee and is reviewed annually.
Space Value Foundation
71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden
London, WC2H 9JQ, UK
Reg No. 14071917

The Space Value Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation registered as a company limited by guarantee. It is not a charity, does not distribute profits, and invests all its revenue into the vision and mission – to transform our equations of monetary value and return, to advocate for a new financial mathematics of sustainability built upon our responsibility of space impact.