Book a Workshop

Book a Lecture or Workshop

Inspired by the positive feedback and the necessity to expand the educational and advocacy work of the foundation, this Support & Book a Lecture campaign aims to raise funds for the foundation while pushing forward with its educational agenda.

The campaign is donation-based where the donating companies and/or institutions receive an educational program in return for their donation – either a lecture or workshop on the Space Value of Money framework. 

If you would like to book a lecture for your institution or company please submit the form below.

We invest all revenues in pursuit of the mission: to hardwire sustainability and responsibility into financial mathematics by transforming our current financial value framework, by introducing the dimension of space and our responsibility of impact into our equations of value and return, by rethinking the models that define the value of money, its logic, its allocation and deployment.

Please consider joining us and our other partners by assisting our work to address some of the fundamental barriers to a sustainable future. 

Why support us?

Finance based solely on risk, return, and the time value of money has served humanity and our home planet poorly.  

Our aims are twofold: education and accountability.  

  • Education: if the leaders, managers, and investors of tomorrow enter the world of business with a better understanding of how the financial mathematics they apply to their projects and portfolios affects planetary sustainability, we can hard-wire better outcomes.
  • Accountability: if companies, corporations, banks, public and private institutions, etc., could report an authentic and comprehensive picture of the impact their value chain has on space and its many layers, our ability to assess and change our trajectory will be far more effective.

With education and awareness, we aim to change some of the deep-rooted dynamics that have brought us to this unhealthy situation and potentially disastrous bottleneck. 


What your support will do

Space Value Foundation is not a charity. All monetary support we receive is treated as a membership contribution. All revenue is continuously invested and reinvested in our mission and programs. 

If you would like to support our work either with a one-off contribution or by becoming a regular supporter, you can select the plan that applies best to your situation.

 You can also choose to make direct bank transfers, you can do so using SVF Bank Details. Available by writing directly to 

Your next step...

Our Corporate Supporters contribute financially to our work and in return we offer services to them as needed. Supporters can range from full partners working alongside the Foundation and accessing our services to Affiliates, like-minded organisations who can contribute to our research and activity. 

All supporters have early sight of events, research and publications. We are happy to work with Partners on regular ESG and sustainability projects and with supporters and affiliates on an ad hoc basis.  Supporters are always invited to our social events. 

CLICK HERE to take the first easy step to becoming a Corporate Supporter, Partner or Affiliate.

If you are an individual or philanthropist who understands the bottleneck that current ESG thinking is creating—and its impact on true sustainability, then please consider contributing to Space Value Foundation. Every £ goes directly towards our research, campaigning and outreach work. All contributors join our mailing list to receive the latest updates. 

CLICK here to make a contribution directly via PayPal.